Saturday, February 19, 2011

...and suddenly, it's all very clear...

Lot #77 Before Construction

...and suddenly, it's all very clear...Lot #77, that is....after an agonizingly long wait, construction is underway!   Since pictures speak louder than words, here's what's happened so far:

The building site was cleared

The downed trees were fed into THE BEAST and turned into mulch
A LOT of mulch!  To be used later.
My sons have become the "site supervisors"

The basement has been dug

Concrete footers were poured and rebar was put in place for the wall reinforement

Wall forms were put in place, ready for concrete to be poured

Basement walls were poured and allowed to dry, forms were removed and plumbing was installed

Now we're ready for the next step, pouring the basement floor

The photos cannot capture the excitement that we feel to be making progress on our house.  Despite slight delays because of bad weather,  crews have been working on site at a steady pace.  When one crew finished the rebar, the next day the crew was on site to put up the wall forms for the basement.  It's like a well choreographed dance.

Stay post:  Eenie, Meanie, Miney, Mo....choosing fixtures, appliances and mo'...

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